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Сочинения и тексты про Новый Год на английском языке

Новый год — это отличная возможность улучшить свой английский язык! Причем очень важной частью обучения являются сочинения и тексты, которые помогают развивать навыки письма, понимания и расширяют словарный запас. В этой статье мы расскажем, какие темы Нового года можно использовать для написания сочинений на английском, а также предложим несколько примеров текстов, которые вдохновят вас на творчество.


  1. My New Year’s Resolution (Мое новогоднее решение)
  2. How I Celebrate New Year (Как я праздную Новый год)
  3. The Best New Year’s Gift I Have Ever Gotten (Лучший новогодний подарок, который я когда-либо получал)
  4. A New Year’s Eve Celebration in an English-Speaking Countries (Как встречают Новый год в англоязычных странах)
  5. A Letter to Santa Claus (Письмо Деду Морозу или Санта-Клаусу)

Сочинения про Новый год на английском: 5 разнообразных текстов

В праздники мы делаем множество интересных вещей: украшаем дом, готовим праздничные блюда, поздравляем близких и создаем новогодние традиции. Все эти моменты можно выразить на английском языке, что поможет вам:
  1. Расширить словарный запас. В процессе написания сочинений вы будете использовать множество новых слов и выражений, связанных с праздником: "celebration" (празднование), "fireworks" (фейерверки), "resolution" (решение), "festive" (праздничный), и многие другие.
  2. Отточить грамматику. Новогодняя тематика часто включает в себя использование времен, в особенности Present Perfect (для выражения своих новогодних решений) или Future Simple (для описания планов на будущий год). Это поможет вам улучшить грамматические навыки.
  3. Погрузиться в культуру. Новый год — это глобальный праздник, и в разных странах его отмечают по-разному. Изучение различных традиций и обычаев поможет вам лучше понять культуру англоязычных стран и улучшить свой уровень языка.

1. My New Year’s Resolution (Мое новогоднее решение)

Every New Year, many people make resolutions with the hope of improving themselves and their lives. For me, the New Year is a time to reflect on the past year and think about the changes I want to make in the coming year.

This year, my main New Year’s resolution is to focus more on my health and well-being. I’ve realized that in the past, I often neglected my physical health because I was busy with work or studies. So, I decided to start exercising regularly. I will aim to go to the gym at least three times a week, and I plan to take up yoga, which I have always wanted to try.

Additionally, I want to eat healthier. I will try to cut back on junk food and eat more fruits and vegetables. Along with this, I plan to drink more water and avoid sugary drinks. Another goal I have is to work on my mental health by practicing mindfulness and meditation. I hope to dedicate at least 15 minutes every day to relax and clear my mind. Lastly, I want to set aside more time to spend with my family and friends. It is important to me that I nurture my relationships and create lasting memories.

I am excited about this fresh start and hope that by the end of the year, I can look back and feel proud of the progress I’ve made.

2. How I Celebrate New Year (Как я праздную Новый год)

New Year’s Eve is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s a time to gather with friends and family, reflect on the past year, and look forward to the new one.

Every year, my family and I celebrate together at home. A few days before New Year’s Eve, we start decorating our house. We put up a big Christmas tree and cover it with shiny baubles, twinkling lights, and a sparkling star on top. We also hang up colorful streamers and place candles around the house to create a cozy atmosphere.

On the evening of December 31st, we begin the celebration with a special dinner. My mom prepares all our favorite dishes — roast turkey, mashed potatoes, salad, and a variety of desserts. After dinner, we sit around the table, share stories, and enjoy each other's company. At 11:50 PM, we gather in front of the TV to watch the New Year’s countdown.

As the clock strikes midnight, we raise our glasses and wish each other a Happy New Year.
The house is filled with laughter and the sound of cheers. We also step outside to watch the fireworks light up the sky. The colorful explosions are beautiful, and it feels magical. Afterward, we enjoy some snacks and play board games or watch movies together. It’s always a time of joy and togetherness, and I look forward to it every year.

3. The Best New Year’s Gift I Have Ever Gotten (Лучший новогодний подарок, который я когда-либо получал)

The best New Year’s gift I have ever received was a bicycle that my parents gave me when I was ten years old. I had wanted it for so long, and I couldn’t believe it when I saw it wrapped in shiny paper under the Christmas tree.

On New Year’s morning, I woke up early, full of excitement. My parents told me to open my presents, and when I unwrapped the last one, I saw the bicycle. It was a bright red bike with a small basket in the front. I remember feeling overjoyed and rushing outside to try it out. It was a bit tricky at first, but once I got the hang of it, I rode around the block with a huge smile on my face. I spent the entire day riding my new bike and showing it off to my neighbors.

That bike became my favorite possession, and I spent hours riding it every day during the summer. To this day, I remember how happy I was when I received that gift. It wasn’t just about the bike itself; it was the thought and love behind the gift that made it so special.

4. A New Year’s Eve Celebration in an English-Speaking Countries (Как встречают Новый год в англоязычных странах)

New Year’s Eve is celebrated in many unique ways around the world, and the traditions vary from country to country. In the United Kingdom, New Year’s Eve is known as “Hogmanay,” and it’s one of the most important celebrations of the year.

People in Scotland, especially, celebrate with much enthusiasm. The streets are filled with people singing, dancing, and celebrating. At midnight, the famous tradition of "First Footing" takes place. The first person to enter a house after midnight is supposed to bring good luck for the upcoming year. Traditionally, this person would bring a gift like a piece of coal, whisky, or shortbread.

In the United States, the most iconic New Year’s celebration takes place in Times Square, New York City. At midnight, a huge ball drops down from a building, marking the start of the new year. Millions of people gather to watch the ball drop, and millions more watch it on TV. Another popular tradition in the US is singing “Auld Lang Syne,” a Scottish song that is sung to celebrate the passing of the old year and the arrival of the new one.

In Australia, people celebrate New Year’s Eve with spectacular fireworks over Sydney Harbour. Thousands of people gather by the water to watch the incredible display.

Whether it's fireworks, a midnight countdown, or traditional songs, New Year’s Eve in English-speaking countries is always a time to celebrate with friends and family, marking the beginning of a new chapter in life.

5. A Letter to Santa Claus (Письмо Деду Морозу или Санта-Клаусу)

Dear Santa,
I hope you are well and getting ready for Christmas. I have been very good this year, and I have tried to help my parents whenever they needed it. I’ve also been working hard at school and trying my best to be kind to everyone around me. For Christmas, I would love to receive a few special gifts. I really enjoy reading, so I would love a new set of books, especially adventure stories. I also have a small wish for a new jacket because the one I have is getting a little too small. I promise to take care of everything you bring me and to be grateful for all the wonderful gifts. But most of all, I wish for good health and happiness for my family in the coming year.

I also want to thank you for all the joy you bring to children around the world. I will leave some cookies and milk by the fireplace for you, and some carrots for the reindeer. I hope you have a safe journey and a Merry Christmas!
With love, [Your Name]

Советы по написанию сочинений на тему Нового года

  1. Используйте новогоднюю лексику. Праздничные слова и выражения делают ваш текст ярким и насыщенным. Например, включите такие фразы, как "New Year's Eve" (канун Нового года), "celebrate with family" (праздновать с семьей), "new beginnings" (новые начинания) и "midnight countdown" (обратный отсчет до полуночи).
  2. Опишите эмоции. Новый год — это время, наполненное эмоциями: радость, волнения, ожидания. Пишите о своих чувствах и ощущениях, используя такие фразы, как "I felt so happy" (Я чувствовал себя так счастливым), "It was an exciting moment" (Это был захватывающий момент), "We laughed all night" (Мы смеялись всю ночь).
  3. Будьте креативными. Пишите не только о том, что происходит на празднике, но и о том, как вы его ощущаете. Например, можете описать, как звучат новогодние песни, как искрятся огоньки на елке или как вкусно пахнет праздничное угощение.
  4. Структурируйте текст. Сочинение должно быть логичным и легко читаемым. Начинайте с вступления, затем переходите к основным событиям и заканчивайте выводом, где можно подытожить свои ощущения от праздника.
Используйте праздники как возможность попрактиковаться и создавать яркие, запоминающиеся тексты! А если вам нужно больше возможностей для практики, ждем вас на курсах английского в школе iSpeak: https://ispeak-school.by/. Начните 2025 с изучения нового для васязыка!